Backing up Data

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Backing up Data means that you keep a copy of information on your computer and store it so it'll be able to restore the information if you somehow lose the information. There are other resources to back up the data, like a hard drive, but those devices could be destroyed or stollen. If you back up your information to websites (Google drive, One Drive) you'll be able to access the information even when you have lost the original file.

Some types of Internal (Primary) and External (Secondary) are the following:

Image result for cassette tape

1. Magnetic - A system for storing digital information on magnetic tape using digital recording. They're most common on cassettes and tend to last longer. Another advantage to this device is it's cheaper compared to the other back up devices. 
Image result for blu ray disc
2. Optical - A system for storing digital information on Disc (Blu-ray disc, CDS, DVDS). They're written and read in forms of lasers inside the optical drive.They have limited storage so they're more efficient for data-only backups instead of full-system backups.

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3. Solid state - A device that uses integrated circuit assemblies to store data. They're more resistant to physical shock and have a quicker access time. They use electric charges to perform, making them more durable than hard drives. 


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